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the cat has someone’s tongue
舌头不好使  detail>>
something has someone’s number on it
预谋杀人  detail>>
on the tiof someone’s tongue
就早嘴边上  detail>>
a cat has lives
蜡烛照亮别人 猫有九条命 却毁灭了自己  detail>>
a cat has nine lives
光亮照别人 蜡烛焚自身 猫也有权晋见国王 猫有九命 猫有九条命 吉人自有天相 生命力极强 时光不等人  detail>>
cat got your tongue
你为什么哑口无言 怎么不说话了  detail>>
has too much tongue
太多嘴  detail>>
he has a glib tongue
他说起话来油腔滑调的  detail>>
he has a sharp tongue
他这张嘴可利害了  detail>>
she has a plausible tongue
她有一张巧嘴  detail>>
she has a ready tongue
她口齿伶俐  detail>>
welcoming someone who has returned
欢迎某人归来  detail>>
the fellow has a very glib tongue
这家伙嘴油得很  detail>>
long before my tongue has tripped me
我已经摔了多久,我舌头  detail>>
what a sharp tongue she has got
她那张嘴真可以  detail>>
since someone has to go anyway let me go
反正得去一个人就让我去吧  detail>>
be with someone
听懂,在...工作  detail>>
 pron.  有人,某人 〔同 somebody, 但多用于书面语,特别是疑问句或否定句的场合〕。 S- wants to see you. 有人想会见你。 Why c...  detail>>